The Veil

2023. 20” x 30”. Oil and acrylic on board.
Exhibited in Syncretic Birthrights. Solo show at the Grunt Gallery

↑ Adaptability, Boundaries, Returning to the waters, Intuition,
❂ Ala, Mami Wata, Yemọja, Olokun, The High Priestess
↓ Rigidity, Drought, Isolation, Binaries

The Veil is an avatar of masquerades, concurrence, and embodied porosity. They house the lunar phases atop their head and the waters below and between their legs. They are surrounded by undulating energies that weave in, out, and between their shroud.
The Veil reminds us of our ability to assert our boundaries and to break binary thinking. They represent the moments when a spectrum of transparencies can make room for clarity and gifts from the subconscious and spiritual realm. 


The Altar


The Sacrifice